Wondering if you can travel to Canada?
On this page we summarize the latest travel information, provided by the Canadian Government.
First of all, if you want to travel to Canada, check whether you are authorized to travel to Canada by using this official travel wizard provided by the Canadian Government
If travel is allowed for you, your next step is to download the ArriveCAN app. This is a tool to facilitate the collection of information needed to administer and enforce legislation to help contain COVID-19 and keep Canadians safe and healthy. You will only need to fill this out once per household, 72 hrs prior to entering Canada.
Create an account to submit your travel form. The app works in airplane mode and allows you to save your information to submit at a later time. You will need to enter your travel information, along with answering the COVID-19 self assessment questionnaire.
Destination Canada offers a summary of the travel and tourism-related measures in place per province and territory.
Hoover over the map of Canada and discover each provinces/territories regulations.